legal support for your mental health practice
WORK WITH the Fida law team
The DORA grievance process can feel intimidating. Our team has years of experience with how to safely navigate the DORA Complaint process for grieved therapists. Let our experts help you present a strong case to DORA and guide you through the disciplinary process in what can be a very intimidating and vulnerable experience.
mental health law attorney on retainer
Having an attorney on retainer gives you the elite benefit of priority for services. If you have a concern regarding your practice or licensure and need real-time answers and prioritization, consider engaging with us for added protection when you need it. The Fida Law team consists of both legal representation and mental health professionals. Priscila Barber, Kerry Broman LCSW, Jane Campbell, LCSW, and Dr. Ryan M. Burkhart, LPC work together to ensure your legal representation is informed, competent, and responsive.
practice forms & paperwork
Starting a new practice can be daunting; let us help you with some of the legal heavy lifting for practice-specific and compliant forms.
Annual Best practices Membership
Choose between our tiers of membership to have access to Best Practices support. We offer literature, trainings, live question and answers, and consultations from expert clinicians as well as from our head attorney.
subpoena defense
Our lead attorney will fight to protect you if you receive a subpoena to testify in court. The Fida Law team believes that a therapist’s time should be spent with clients, not in court where their testimony could run afoul of licensure requirements or ethics like confidentiality or duty to do no harm.
legal consultation
Our expertise is how to help Mental Health providers navigate the rules around HIPPA requirements, DORA regulations, and the Colorado Mental Health Practice Act in their particular practice.